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Easy to Migrate

Existing LexisNexis® Butterworths Online customers will currently pay no more to access their LexisNexis® legal information via LexisNexis® NZ provided their registered number of users remains the same. Customers will be getting more features and more functionality for the same price!

When will LexisNexis® NZ be available?

Existing LexisNexis® Butterworths Online customers will be migrated to LexisNexis® NZ throughout 2005. The migration programme will take 12 months to complete as it involves a thorough and comprehensive training programme designed to bring all your staff up to speed quickly on the new features and functionality of LexisNexis® NZ.

When will I migrate?

 For our larger New Zealand customers with multiple users and Academic institutions

  • Migration will take place from mid December 04 till February 2005
  • You will have already been contacted by your LexisNexis® training consultant who will currently be in the process of migrating your company across to LexisNexis® NZ

For all our remaining customers

  • Migration will be from March 2005 to December 2005

If you have any questions on when your business is likely to migrate please call 0800 800 986 and a customer service representative will supply you with an estimated migration date.

What’s the Process?

To ensure all migrating customers are fully trained on LexisNexis® NZ's new features, we will be undertaking training in stages. All of our New Zealand customers will get advance notice of when they will be due to migrate to the new LexisNexis® NZ global online information service. We want to ensure all of our customers are given the support they require and that it is as easy as possible to migrate smoothly to LexisNexis® NZ.